Adding LENS to your Practice

Direct Purchase
The complete LENS System purchase price is $12,995 dollars. This package price includes the Foundations of the LENS Training for one person, a fully configured laptop with the LENS Software installed, all necessary hardware and session equipment included, and organized into a Sherpani carrying case!
To become a LENS Provider and acquire a LENS System, please contact us at

Rental Option
Ochs Labs also offers a rental plan priced at $495.00 per month, a $2,000 deposit required for the equipment to be sent to you (not including shipping).
50% of up to three months’ worth of rental payments may be applied towards your purchase should you choose to transition from a renting to purchasing your equipment.
You may return the equipment at any time, once the equipment has been returned, the deposit is credited back to the form of payment.
This is an easy option to be able to attend the live-stream training prior to purchasing!

Financing Options
Ochs Labs happily offers a partnered financing option with the companies listed below.
If you are interested in getting approved for financing, please click the buttons below for more information.