Ochs Labs

The concept of Low Energy Neurofeedback (which is a completely unique form of “brain optimization” ) was first introduced by Dr. Len Ochs, Ph.D. in 1990. After introducing his ideas to several national forums, he established Ochs Labs to further develop and hone Low Energy Neurofeedback concepts and the technology fueling its success.

Since then, our LENS Providers and their clients have reported many forms of success using our unique and effective form of neurotherapy. Over 85% of people who have used the LENS have benefited significantly from it. Results can be seen quickly, often beginning within the first session, and are lasting.

Low Energy Neurofeedback System

Traditional Neurofeedback is direct training typically provided by licensed healthcare professionals where the brain is observed in action from moment to moment, while “ re-training” the brain with audio and visual operant conditioning. LENS Neurofeedback is considered “non-traditional” neurofeedback, also called EEG Biofeedback, because it is based on electrical brain activity, the electroencephalogram, or EEG without any audio or visual stimulation. LENS Neurofeedback is promoting self-regulation. Self-regulation is a necessary part of optimal brain performance and function, allowing the nervous system to function better. 

The LENS is a specific kind of neurofeedback that operates much more rapidly than “traditional neurofeedback”  and has qualities that make it easier to use with people who are unable to sit still. With the LENS, the client doesn’t need to “do” anything, and there is nothing to learn. The typical session with the LENS lasts 3-4 minutes. This means that the LENS works well for people who either cannot pay attention to a computer screen for longer time periods like those used in “traditional neurofeedback.”

We apply sensors to the scalp to capture brainwave activity, processing the signal by our computer software, and extracting information about the client’s brainwave frequencies. Through a patented process, we then bring this information back to the client’s scalp via the sensors. The results are reduction and/or resolution of the symptoms which previously interfered with the client’s quality of life. 

Each client’s EEG signals (brain waves) are unique to them and constantly changing. The LENS measures these ever-changing signals of the client and matches the feedback to the client’s own physiological (neurological) fingerprint.

The LENS software identifies the Dominant Frequency at any moment (the frequency associated with the highest amplitude wave) and mirrors this information back to the brain. In other words, the brain is receiving a subset of the information that the brain itself is generating.  Regarding wavelength range: the software monitors the EEG at the scalp, and tracks 1-42Hz waves, ignoring any waves above 42 Hz.

The sessions are brief (usually 3-5 minutes), gentle (usually the client feels nothing during the session), and the changes are lasting with some exceptions: with symptoms of progressive conditions such as Parkinson’s and MS and neurodegenerative disorders, the sessions need to be ongoing to sustain the improvement.

The LENS works well with problems of the Central Nervous System, which can be numerous. These include symptoms of anxiety-depression spectrum, attention deficits, behavior disorders, various sleep disorders, headaches and migraines, PMS and emotional disturbances. It is also useful for organic brain conditions such as seizures, the autism spectrum, and cerebral palsy. These are all signs of Central Nervous System dysfunction which result in the body’s difficulty regulating itself.

It may be utilized as the primary modality, or as an adjunct to other therapies. Patients across the lifespan, from young children to older adults, have benefited from LENS;  used for over 30 years on infants as young as 3 months of age, and on animals including dogs, cats, goats, chickens, horses, racehorses, chimpanzees, giraffes, and gorillas!

The LENS time frame for success is shorter than other forms of Neurofeedback with the number of sessions ranging from 9 to an overall average number of 11 sessions.

Unlike “traditional neurofeedback”  sessions, LENS:

  1. Does not require conscious effort and attention to stimuli by the client.
  2. Session duration, on average, is a few seconds to several minutes each.
  3. The number of sessions, on average, hovers around 11 when seen on a weekly basis. 

In order to administer a LENS session, you must be actively licensed in the state you wish to practice in. Each license is regulated according to the state/country in which it was received. You can conduct a simple search to see if the license you have includes biofeedback/ne urofeedback in the Scope of Practice. As long as it does, you may become trained and listed as a LENS provider once you have successfully completed the LENS Foundations training! 

If you are not licensed and desire to become a LENS Technician, you would need to locate someone in your area that is a licensed healthcare provider who will allow you to work under their active license (which includes biofeedback/neurofeedback in the Scope of Practice) as a Technician and sign the LENS Technician Agreement with you. This licensed person is not required to be trained in LENS, or any other neurofeedback certification.  (Examples are Registered/Licensed Nurses, Doctors, Therapists, Counselors, Social Workers, Naturopathic Doctors, Physical Therapists, Chiropractors.)

Over 30 years of experience…

Through our 3 decades of experience with the LENS, we have reached the point of having very high expectations for success in its application. In the normal course of events, LENS neurofeedback will be helpful for nearly everyone. Our brains are neuroplastic, created for cultivation, and are highly adaptable. 

Total Number of Patients helped
Average Number of Sessions
Average Min Per Session
D. Corydon Hammond, PhD., BCIA-EEG, ECNS

“In the last 17 years I have used 10 different neurofeedback systems. LENS is the most user friendly of the systems and produces the fastgest results, to the delight of my patients and myself. Many small children who struggle with or could not do traditional neurofeedback can easily be treated with LENS. It is the system I rely on. If there was a fire and I could only run out with one system, it would absolutely be the LENS. I highly recommend it. “

Allison Hartzoge, MA, BCN, LPC, NCC

“Ultimately, LENS neurofeedback relaxes the mind and body to allow the person to become aware of and process the underlying issues supporting addictions; then the healing process can begin. I believe it’s the most efficient and effective way to do therapy.”

Rano Thomas Mathew, M.D.

“I like the LENS because there are so many new ways in which it is used. Many changes have come about in the LENS software over the last five years, and I appreciate how the use of the LENS applications is continuing to be refined by Ochs Labs.”

Dr. Megan Danz

“Life can become simpler with LENS. For example, a gentleman I am working with has felt a much greater sense of clarity, ability to focus and set goals, and has been able to take himself through feelings of weakness successfully. He also has a greater sense of self respect and more realistic expectations of himself in general. Overall, he has been able to sift through the multi-layered facets of addiction with relative ease, and I think this speaks to his support network, his thoughtfulness, intelligence and the LENS.”

Marion Roberts, Ph.D.

“The results I’ve seen since using LENS with a wide range of clients (from emotionally handicapped children with ADHD, Fibromyalgia, anxiety, depression, the list is too long to enumerate) have far exceeded both my and my clients expectations! ”

Jeffrey S. Rutstein, Psy.D.

“I was astounded by the power and effectiveness of the LENS. I use it both alone and in conjunction with psychotherapy with uniformly positive results. I love the increased therapeutic effectiveness that the LENS offers. Not only has it reinvigorated my passion for my work, it has also been the single best investment in my practice I have ever made.”

Douglas L. Starr, Ph.D.

“I have been providing neurofeedback services for 14 years. Several years ago I acquired a LENS – to use along with my other units. To my complete surprise, I now use the LENS, and only the LENS, for about 70% of my clients, because it is more effective and efficient.”